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God Knows the Whole Enchilada



Week 3 (March 22 – March 28, 2021)

God Wants to Bless You

Verses for Meditation

You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!

  – Psalm 139:5, 6 (NLT)

How can someone go before you and follow you? Is that even possible? Imagine for a moment your parents walking in front of you and behind you at the same time…, and I don’t mean one parent in front and one in the back. But God is able to do just that. He knows your past, so He can walk behind you. He knows your present, so He can walk beside you. He knows your future, so He can walk in front of you – all at the same time!

In other words, God knows everything about you. He recalls every secret from your yesterdays, the varied current events in your life today (like Covid19), and He knows all your tomorrows. And yes, He still wants to bless you. He longs to shower you with His goodness even though He knows the whole enchilada of your life.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that we can always trust God’s advice since He completely knows us and loves us anyway?

God agape loves you, and He wants to bless you. Abundantly!

Think About It

Why would God want to bless you? How is it that He always loves you, even when you may do your own thing without His consent? Do you think you make God sad or happy with some of your actions?

[You’re not alone; we know we have a few disagreeable behaviors that make Him sad sometimes. (Jesus, help!)]

Praying for You

(Please personalize)                                                           

Lord, go before each young person this week. Place Your mighty hand of blessing on his/ her head. Guide and direct, we pray, since it is You who knows everything about each person. Meet their deepest needs today – those needs that they may not even know that they have. Let our cherished students truly know that you want to bless them.

Bless them indeed, father!  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Have a great week, young friend! 


Sister Hope & Kristi


©2021 by Hope McCardy. All rights reserved.

Something to Remember this year: God Knows the Whole Enchilada!

Believing God (by Beth Moore)

God is who he says he is

I am who he says i am

he can do what he says he can do

i can do all things through christ

God’s word is alive and active in me



God Knows the Whole Enchilada



Week 2 (March 15 – March 21, 2021)

God Knows What You Do

Verses for Meditation

You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.  You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.  

– Psalm 139:3, 4 (NLT)

Have you ever had a younger sibling follow you around? You go to your room, they follow you. You are with your friends, and they want to be right there. What you eat, they want to eat. What you say, they want to say. Do younger siblings (or older ones in certain cases) annoy you at times?

Well, God is not like that. He is very respectful. He silently goes around with you – everywhere you go! Where you pause, He pauses. Where you stop, He stops. Most times, you don’t even realize that He is even there, but He is. He knows everything that you do – The Whole Enchilada! And yet, He always loves you – no matter what!

The Power of Words

Words can compassionately build a person up. Words can utterly destroy a person.

How do you feel when you remember some really harsh words that were spoken to you or about you?

How do you feel when you remember some genuinely encouraging words that were spoken over you?

What kind of words will you choose to say today?

Think About It

If you truly understood that God was always with you, how would that increase your peace? And since God knows what you are going to say before you even say it, what do you think would happen if you allowed Him to censor your words?

[We don’t know about you, but we constantly need God’s help in this “word” area (sad face).]

Praying for You

(Please personalize)                                                           

Father, You see each young person when they go out or when they are relaxing at home. O Lord, You know everything that they do. Also, You know what they are going to say even before they say it. Since You know the whole enchilada, please direct their steps when they go out and when they are at home. Help our cherished young people to say only those words that are agreeable to You.

Teach each dear student how to build others up, not knock them down, and edify others rather than constantly condemn them. Teach our precious young adults how to control the words they say, and may they know that You are always willing to offer assistance. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Have a great week, young friend! 


Sister Hope & Kristi


©2021 by Hope McCardy. All rights reserved.

Something to Remember this year: God Knows the Whole Enchilada!

Believing God (by Beth Moore)

God is who he says he is

I am who he says i am

he can do what he says he can do

i can do all things through christ

God’s word is alive and active in me


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